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I first want to thank All of YOU who have supported my efforts over the years, both new and my long-time donors. It is humbling and amazing. It started over 35 years ago when I rode my bicycle on my first MS150 City to Shore Ride and elevated to Phil Across America, riding my bicycle from Yorktown, VA to San Francisco, CA in 2012.

 Over $500,000 in donations later I continue to raise awareness, help find a cure and help the families affected by Multiple Sclerosis.  Your support has, and is, a huge part of my journey.

 I hope you consider supporting my passion for FINDING A CURE and helping those afflicted by MS and their families. I will keep riding the MS150 until WE FIND A CURE. 

 I know many people ask you for donations to many worthy charities. If you can consider mine, it matters. I get donations from $25 up to $500, so, whatever you can do I would appreciate it.  If you are tapped out on donations I understand.

 So, what about the ride?

 What a difference a year makes.

 Last year at this time my left hip was not functional.

Last year I had very few bike miles and no bike legs.

Last year I did the ride, but it was a struggle.

Last year I only could do day 1 75 miles, not my normal 150.

 Fast forward 1 year

  1.  A new left hip (shout out to Dr. Mike Ast, Hospital for Special Surgery NYC [HSS].  This doc and the hospital totally rock) that is totally unbelievable.  Better than my right hip and better than it EVER has been.
  2.  Road miles and bike legs are back.  Laura and I have been in wine country (Sonoma County, CA) from August 12 to September 11.   Everyday I start my day riding (15-30 miles) in the rolling hills and sometimes step ascents of Sonoma County. 
  3.  I will be in the best shape for the MS ride in years.  
     Super excited.
     Super Stoked.


Again, I will join my friends on a new team, Team Misfits, formed by Captain Bob Nicastro (one of my great riding friends, a fellow Eagles fan and an Anchor House Ride for Runaways veteran).  Bob, is riding this year with a crappy hip and yes Dr. Mike Ast is replacing his this November!!!  If you want to join us, we will welcome you, we are always looking for cyclists on our team (email me 


Laura (my amazing wife of 35-years) will once again lead the Rookie Rider effort.  She has been a member of the MS150 City to Shore planning team for years and makes sure the Rookie experience is great (along with her team).  She puts in hundreds of hours each year to make the MS150 the best ride in the country and ultimately to help the people afflicted with MS.

My plan for MS Weekend

  • Saturday, I plan to crush the first 75 miles 
  • Saturday night, food, and drink with Misfit friends!! 
  • Sunday AM, breakfast, and 75 great miles back to Cherry Hill, NJ
  • Back to the house, a quick shower and hopping on a plane to Chicago to get certified in a new sales system called Outgrow.  This is also super cool and while it has nothing to do with the ride it will cap a great weekend!!

 This is what I call a great weekend. Biking, being with friends, raising funds for MS and learning something new!!  What could be better. 

So, I hope you are able join me in helping to find a cure for MS and helping those affected by the disease. 

 Thank you and hear is to curing MS!! 

